Wednesday, December 19, 2007

School girl, 10,arrested for a steak knife in lunch

A girl was given a steak knife with her lunch. School officials tried to reach her parents to inform them of this. After they could not be reached, they called authorities.

First off, I am pretty sure that they have the contact information for the parents at work. Even if the number is to only be used in emergencies, don't you think "I am about to have your daughter arrested" is worthy of an emergency.

Tell the parents that their daughter cannot have a knife in school and take it away. Tell them they must cut the steak up before giving it to their daughter. But for heaven's sake, do not arrest the girl and have her face felony charges.

Should not a red flag go up when the sheriff's office making sure the article clearly explains that they are required to act when the school calls and informs them of this?

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